Hey there blog buddies!

I have so much to tell you about!!! We got home yesterday morning from my very much needed vacation. Being the neighborhood stud gets tough and I really needed the break.
So two weeks ago yesterday, my Mum and Dad tied the knot! That's why Mum and I flew to Toronto, Papa was already there waiting for us. We stayed with my Nonna and Nonno. The first few days were really busy, there were lots of people coming by, I had a whole news house to explore, with a yard and a deck! Mum and Dad seemed to be doing a lot of coming and going.
After the wedding things got quiet and then ... they left me! Yup they went off to some place called "France and England" and left me with my grand parents. I was a little put-out at first, but hearing about it later I think I had a better time.
I mean, they talked a lot about planes and trains and walking and site seeing and more walking, it all sounds very tiring. I on the other hand, spent the next ten days sunning myself on Nonno's new patio. It was glorious! Aunt Bessie and I watched TV together every night, and Nonna was very generous with the treats ... even if she did insist on cleaning my wrinkles!
I took daily strolls around the neighbourhood and introduced my self to all the peeps, and I met a nine week old bulldog. I also got to play in the back yard, it was nice to have a yard big enough to run in.
Oh and I made friends with the two budgie birds my Nonna adopted.
My pawrents finally came back and they brought me a present! They went to some place called "Harrods" (Mum was a lot more excited about it than Dad was) and they brought me back new dishes! I said "No toys?" But Mum says I have better toys already, and she wouldn't spend £100 for a leash, or £130 for the Sherlock Holmes tweed jacket ... cheapskate!
We had to go to the airport very very early yesterday, I was still very sleepy. When we arrived in Vancouver, Papa's friend picked us up. He brought his dog Berkley to meet me. She was a very nice girl, but I was too tired to entertain her, I fell asleep while she hung out with Mum in the back seat. I hope maybe we can have a play date someday.
And now we are back to normal! Well off I go ... still a little jet lagged.