Hi friends, a bunch of you asked how my eye problems are going. The good news is the scratch healed up. The bad news is that Mum noticed my eye getting cloudy, so after work yesterday she took me to see Dr.Z. She didn't trust the backup vet.
Dr. Z apologized for not being available when this problem all started, he was out of town for two days. He took one look at me with his big magnifying head piece and knew what my problem was! I have a problem called entopian. My eye lid is curling back and my big handsome eyelashes are scratching my big handsome eyeball! It's something that he had mentioned to the pawrents a while ago. He noticed then that my eyelids were "tight", but at the time there was no need to treat it.
The solution is for me to have surgery! Tomorrow!

In happier news two of my new friends have given me awards!
Marley all the way in India I have received the Sunshine Award.

Emma I have received the Versatile Blogger.

I want to say a big thank you to both of these new friends! And I hope you will all visit them!
So, as I am sure you know there is a protocol to accepting these awards. But as usual I am gonna make my own rules for accepting.
I am going to answer Marley's 7 questions and pass each award on to 4 other blogville residents. Here we go.....
1. Favorite number? 3
2. Favorite non-alchoholic beverage? Water
3. Facebook or Twitter? I just blog!
4. What's your passion? Treats, and snuggling
5. Favorite pattern? Hounds tooth! Duh!
6. Favorite day of the week? Friday!
7. Favorite Flower? Sunflowers.
Now I would like to pass the sunshine award on to:
Benny and LilySophieSamMitch and MollyThe versatile blogger will go to:
Finn Howard CorbinRooAngus and JetWell it's time for me to go to bed! Wish me luck!