We've been having some fun lately, including finding a new swimming hole! We found it by accident while we were out for a drive and we can't believe it's only 5 minutes from our house!

Bailey and I have also been having a ball playing in his yard. His gotcha day was May 5th so we went over to celebrate and we brought my left over birthday cake to share. It's hard to believe that one year ago he was so little I could step over him!

When his Moms adopted him, the SPCA told them he was probably a lab / Shepard mix. But his vet says he is probably part Great Dane. Lol. I don't think he is done growing yet!

So the brat has moved on to finger foods! This is good news for me. I help Mum with the clean up all the time. I've had more peas this week than I know what to do with. Mum thought it would be fun to take a picture of us together the other day on our walk. We went down to the field and Mum snapped this pic of the two of us.

Aren't I cute? The kid was trying to tell me how to pose! Pishaw! I was doin this before you were a twinkle, son!
Well time for bed Blogville! See you 'round the neighborhood.