I just love how this stuff crunches under my feet, almost as much as how it crunches in my mouth!

Mum and I went to the park this afternoon, and I had a ball searching for my ball! Luckily it's orange and we could see it I the snow banks! Papa took me for my walk tonight and we lost my glow in the dark chuck-it. It slipped under some crusty snow and we couldn't find it! Mum says we will go look for it tomorrow! She didn't come on our nighttime walk cause she said it was too slippy! Sound like a cop-out to me, especially from a woman whose favorite winter past time used to include watching people "hook cars". (that's when you run out behind a car on a frozen street, grab the bumper and slide down the road being towed by the car. The driver is not an accomplice, and sometimes you lose a glove - cray cray!)
Anyway, all that play has made me a tired boy! I'm gonna curl up in front of the fireplace and take a nap.

PS we haven't been so good about posting lately or even commenting, but we have been visit you all.
Big snuggles